You are currently browsing the monthly archive for November 2010.

Time to show you the fruits of my halloween sewing.                                                 I present to you: Trixie the Halloween Fairy and her cat Moonlight.  When I saw the Trixie drawing on the cover of the book I thought it would be a cinch.  A simple orange tunic, how hard could that be? I could probably find one at Target ready made.   But next thing I knew I was at the .99 cent pattern sale at the fabric store with a pattern requiring 5 yards of fabric and a little girl insistant that there had to be sparkles (Me: are you sure those aren’t polka dots?  Her: Yes, I’m sure).   So I got to experiment with sewing knit fabric, sparkly tule and black satin.  I used Simplicity pattern 3680, which is actually pretty cool because the front shows how pretty much with just a change in sleeve length and fabric selection this could be an equally great Witch/Pirate/Cowgirl or Hippie costume.  I used view A (witch) and made a few modifications including taking about 4 inches of fabric from the sleeves as Trixie wasn’t partial to the “poofyness”.  I also sewed the neck elastic closer to the neck edge (also to reduce poofyness) and omitted the extra “lining layer of fabric in the skirt.  Both the head band with bow (which you can’t really see in the picture)  and headband with cat ears (since the little Mr. doesn’t like hats) were made using the aflutter hairband tutorial by JCasa*Handmade on Sew Mama Sew.  This is a really nice basic fabric hairband pattern and I think I will be making more of these

Well I didn’t make the cut for Crafting with the Stars.   Which is a great thing because I’ve got a full plate as it is and now I get to just sit back enjoy the talent and be inspired.  Plus there are tutorials!  God bless all you nice people who take the time to write tutorials. There are so many great things out there I want to make I should really start compiling a list.   I am already daydreaming about my very own Somerset Dress from round 1(designer knock-offs) of Crafting with the Stars and awesomefied desk  from round 2 (paint).  Round 3 (fabric) started this week and I am so looking forward to seeing what these clever ladies put together.  Craft on! 

Since I mentioned it I think I’ll get started on my list now.  Other things I’m “hearting” by this talented group of ladies:

Teapot lamp by Mandi at Vintage Revivals (she also did the awesomefied desk)

Flirty Holiday Apron by Stacie at Sew Sassy (featured on Blue Cricket Design’s blog by Becca the “star” paired with that?  Good, moving on)

Ruffled Bonnet by Cottage Home also featured on Blue Cricket design is pretty awesome too, now just to think of someone in need of a bonnet.

Charlotte Russe inspired skirt by Sew Dang Cute is also definitely going on my list of things I want to make.  Don’t know when, but it looks like a lot of fun to wear and basic enough to wear just about anywhere. 

Hmm, I seem to be awfully attracted to ruffles all of a sudden.  Well, that’s enough of a list for now.  I won’t even get into all the good stuff over at Sew Mama Sew and elsewhere.  I’ll have to save that for another post.  Suffice it to say, I’m feeling pretty inspired.

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