You are currently browsing the monthly archive for June 2012.

I like swaps.  I like getting surprises in the mail, and an excuse to work on little fun projects just because, and making something for someone I’ve never met, and knowing they will appreciate the effort that went into it because they are a crafter too.  I also happened to be in need of a pincushion as I currently use the  the leftover felt doughnuts from my not-so-little-one’s birthday party a couple of years back, which are fine, except that I also use them as pattern weights and then I have to pull all the pins out.  So I happily signed up for the pincushion swap 2012 hosted by the lovely ladies at House of Pinheiro and Sew Far So Good.

This was also a great excuse to spend some more time on Pinterest (my pin cushion pin-board is here).  I got teamed up with Melizza at Pincushion Treats (she also has an etsy shop of the same name), so of course, not any pincushion would do!

Here is the awesome pincushion I got from Melizza.  Besides being fun to look at, it turns out to be really practical for my small sewing table. It doesn’t get burried by piles of stuff as work.  Yay!  No more searching for where I burried the pins!


I forgot to take a picture of mine so I’m stealing Melizza’s picture from the flickr group.

You can see a bigger picture  here. My pincushion from a fellow blogger. So so pretty. #pincushionswap

I was inspired by this pattern on ravelry, but because my gauge was bigger I used this free hexagon motif by the same designer instead (except for the central hexy where I improvised a rosette).

I was so inspired by hexagonal pincushions that I had to have one too.  This one was made using Penny’s Hexy Caddy Tutorial.  I love how it let’s me showcase snippets of some of my favorite fabrics.  I’ve been using this one for needles and supplies.  So that’s where all my needles went!  They were hiding among the pins.  Look at how nice it looks with Melizzas.  I love the contrast of tall and thin with short and stout.



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