It was a good weekend for knitting, despite having to spend nearly an hour trying to figure out why the MS3 webring button was messing up the configuration of the blog.  After much webresearch, staring helplessly at html code and retracing my steps, I discovered that for some reason, the button has to be in the side bar on the right.  This messed up my system a bit because, if you haven’t noticed, I have a "his" and "hers" thing going on with the sidebars and the sidebar on the right is "his".  Nevertheless, the MS3 webring button wouldn’t have it any other way, so there it is: right below the smoldering silver. (BTW: we’ve recently posted some glass and silver jewelry on etsy, more to come in the next few weeks).

As a sort of warm up exercise to MS3 and a release from other stresses (besides the stubborn button), I’ve managed to make some good progresss in my Adara shawl.   I’m much happier now that I started fresh with the simpler pattern (the horseshoe lace in the original center section).  A lined straw tote from the dollar section of one of my favorite box stores has made this project delightfully portable.  I think I’m going to put together a similar "kit" for the mystery shawl (ie. yarn, drawstring bag so as not soil the yarn, needles, stitch markers, pattern broken down on index cards, measuring tape, scissors etc.)Adara_shawl